… wiele osób się ucieszy z tej wiadomości.

EQ2 dostało odroczenie, jeśli chodzi o zmianę na ProSieben!!! Na ile? Jeszcze nie wiemy, ale na obecna chwilę proces został wstrzymany!!

Zgodnie z informacja, którą przekazała Brasse dziś rano na forum EQ2, proces ten odbędzie się w czasie późniejszym niż przewidziano.

Hail Denizens of Norrath in the UK and EU,

I just wanted to stop in here on the EQII Forums to give you an update the current status of the transition of our EU players to ProSiebenSat.1 Games. Having recently completed the transition for DC Uiniverse Online, we’ve learned a great many valuable lessons and identified a few areas where we’d like to improve the processes. We’re currently using that information and the feedback from player experiences and are working to improve the process further for players in future transitions.

To this end, we have made the call not to make the transition for EverQuest II players during the time frame noted in the previous CS notification email.

As soon as we have more information on a new schedule for the EQ2 transition, we’ll let you know here, immediately. Further, when we settle on a new date, all EU players can expect to receive a new CS email notification, well in advance.  As a side note, and again as a result of valuable player feedback, we were able to fix the issue where some EU players did not receive the initial CS notification email.

Thank you all, and see you in game!
Warmest regards,

(I apologize that we did not have time to send this message for translation before posting, as it is so late on a Friday – we wanted to get the information to you as quickly as possible)”

Jestem przekonana, że ma to coś wspólnego z trzecim już tematem dotyczącym tej sprawy (2 poprzednie zostały zamknięte przez SOE, a miały ponad 200 stron). Gracze EQ2 szczegółowo przeanalizowali wszelkie regulaminy i wykazali wiele, wiele błędów (także prawnych) jakie popełnił P7S1 w czasie zmiany DC Universe…

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