… umowy pomiędzy SOE a PSS1, to Coldor – Community Manager odpowiedzialny za EQ2 z ramienia PSS1, napisał parę zdań na forum Alaplaya dotyczących dręczących nas problemów.
Najważniejsze info to:
- wszystkie gry SOE będą mieć swoje własne fora i nie będą mieć nic wspólnego z Alaplaya:
„We are working together with SOE on the technical details, so that all will be waterproof when DCUO launches. We can’t give you any specific details right now but will give feedback and more information, when everything is set properly.
In the meantime you have no disadvantages in knowing the details or not. And in the near future, you will still be able to play these games as you used to. So there’s actually nothing to worry about.
And again for confirmation: All SOE-Games will have their own websites and forums and will not be integrated into the alaplaya-style. So relax and see what happens”
- EQ2 jak i inne gry bedą przez PSS1 reklamowane:
„ProSiebenSat.1 Games (Publisher) is part of the ProSiebenSat.1-Group, one of the leading television broadcasting companys in Germany / Europe. We will lead the effort to enhance the presence of all localized SOE games within this partnership in the European market. With more advertisements (especially television ads) expect more players to join the servers, increasing the population.
As you can see, it’s not a bad thing to make a partnership with a broadcasting company to reach more european players through properly placed advertisements. And I clearly repeat this: Do not worry too much about the technical details, because in the end you will play these games like you used to. And SOE-Games will not be integrated into the alaplaya-portal!”
- europejscy gracze będą mieć innego launchera oraz inną walutę zamiast SC – nic więcej ma się nie zmienić:
„When everything goes live, the only thing that will be different for you is a new european launcher, websites and forums and a new ingame-currency simliar to station cash. More details i cannot share for the moment, but you will get your answers”