… to ostatni named w tej zonie, w trudnej wersji (epic x 2), rzuca fajne czerwone adormenty:

Oto spis wszystkich przedmiotów, jakie mozna dostac w zonie Zraxt’s Unseen Arcanym w wersji hard mode:

  • Rhee’Gor:

\aITEM -1325157828 862102742:Rhee’Gor’s Slimy Band\/a
\aITEM 1802761682 -384638152:Rhee’Gor’s Mossy Band\/a
\aITEM 114062327 -1500229193:Rhee’Gor’s Webbed Band\/a
\aITEM -2013939886 665687314:Rhee’Gor’s Soaked Band\/a
\aITEM -755737691 1150093863:Rhee’Gor’s Froaked Band\/a
\aITEM -693716122 1671973216:Rhee’Gor’s Restorative Necklace\/a
\aITEM 599814312 -1263290566:Rhee’Gor’s Glinting Necklace\/a
\aITEM -1687605530 -1627352863:Rhee’Gor’s Raging Necklace\/a
\aITEM -785251148 -1669613569:Rhee’Gor’s Resilient Necklace\/a
\aITEM 365357773 -2102055585:Rhee’Gor’s Frenzied Necklace\/a

  • Treskar Throatpuncher:

\aITEM 1801712009 -2017555303:Treskar’s Dented Band\/a
\aITEM 199184652 -159263707:Treskar’s Mangled Band\/a
\aITEM -1770354869 1180104349:Treskar’s Invigorated Band\/a
\aITEM -1170124446 1785536692:Treskar’s Destructive Band\/a
\aITEM -1842404193 -1920512943:Treskar’s Resilient Band\/a
\aITEM 1270325798 1606307416:Treskar’s Cloak of Malady\/a
\aITEM -1557763213 -1221622003:Treskar’s Cloak of Blight\/a
\aITEM -425768598 111138869:Treskar’s Cloak of Affliction\/a
\aITEM 1562109606 1159399556:Treskar’s Cloak of Disorder\/a
\aITEM 1747759909 2082824027:Treskar’s Cloak of Misery\/a

  • Anathraxxis Fetidspine:

\aITEM 606127111 1108836945:Rot Covered Girdle\/a
\aITEM 1430914115 -459817733:Rotting Belt\/a
\aITEM 426836288 -211752126:Belt of Hives\/a
\aITEM -2016307669 -270451219:Rot Worn Girdle\/a
\aITEM 1659955833 -1472200647:Fetidspine Clasp of Rot\/a
\aITEM -1587267030 1017293380:Festering Tongue\/a
\aITEM -2057291661 -1308728568:Anathraxxis’ Shrunken Head\/a
\aITEM 71264063 1708839279:Diseased Patch of Skin\/a
\aITEM 258627846 -786053387:Pox Covered Claw\/a

  • Deathbone Lord Krasick:

\aITEM -1077471780 -1208309743:Deathclaw, Fetidspine Prowler\/a
\aITEM -1265611841 338327587:Feathered Skull Fetish\/a
\aITEM -76115417 261004591:Deathbone Lord’s Buckler\/a
\aITEM -2055730064 -825863069:Krasick’s Bladed Warbow\/a
\aITEM 1847222260 371306557:Bone Wrapped Knuckles\/a
\aITEM -536855080 -860199730:Deathbone Lord’s Shield\/a
\aITEM 1169296708 -168913929:Mace of Spirits\/a
\aITEM -524071673 -1656310592:Staff of Nether\/a
\aITEM -1418467154 1307757448:Blade of Black Blood\/a
\aITEM -2002791012 260785881:Bonebreaker’s Edge\/a
\aITEM -2055008997 1649321714:Chipped Axe of War\/a

oraz adormenty:

\aITEM -108468022 -402727900:Focus: Greater Spell Double Attack\/a
\aITEM -1327833183 -586402538:Focus: Greater Sweeping Swings\/a
\aITEM -816239934 1290085116:Focus: Greater Accuracy\/a
\aITEM -1736964082 1320060211:Focus: Greater Reuse Speed\/a
\aITEM -1387157758 -1649033097:Focus: Power\/a
\aITEM -1235967746 -1784624155:Focus: Intimidation\/a
\aITEM -624074167 -1427346900:Focus: Destruction\/a
\aITEM 2053278432 188549105:Focus: Effectiveness\/a
\aITEM -1014817245 1292121688:Focus: Vengeance\/a
\aITEM -1913884055 1430284710:Focus: Efficiency\/a
\aITEM -1027016076 2025004583:Focus: Resilience\/a

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