Forteca Drunder opustoszała podczas gdy Rallos Zek i jego armie udały się do Plane of War (Wymiaru Wojny) aby przygotować inwazję na Easter Wastes! Pół-bogowie Tallon i Vallon Zek pozostali zamknięci w swoich wieżach, ogólnie mając w nosie na to co planuje ich brat. Tylko ich siostra, Sullon Zek, Pani Wściekłości, prawdziwa furiatka, jest świadoma tego co ma się stać. Uwięziona w swojej wieży, podjęła wielkie ryzyko aby sprowadzić do Fortecy Drunder bohaterów z Norrath.
Teraz wszystko zależy od nas! Nastał czas by walczyć z poddanymi Rallosa Zeka i zdobyć nowych zaskakujących sprzymierzeńców w czasie tej wyprawy, która może zakończyć wszystkie wojny!
Udajmy się do Fortecy Drunder i odkryjmy:
– 3 nowe zony grupowe: Spire of Rage – Strategist’s Stronghold – Tower of Tactics
– 3 nowe zony rajdowe x4: Sullon’s Spire – Tallon’s Stronghold – Vallon’s Tower (+wersje Hard, czyli razem 6 nowych zon rajdowych!)
– nowa zona rajdowa x2: Citadel of V’uul
Ale to jeszcze nie wszystkie z nowych zon…
Orkowie Ry’Gorr odkopali podziemny korytarz wiodący do zaginionych Crystal Caverns (Kryształowych Grot)! Niestety, ale jaskinie stały się bardzo niestabilne i mogą się w każdym momencie zawalić. Jakby tego nie było dość, to Królowa Drachnia znalazła drogę wyjścia na górę i obwinia krasnoludy Coldain o szkody wyrządzone w jaskiniach. Pomóżmy krasnoludom uratować ród Królowej uwięziony w Kryształowych Grotach, zanim sami zostaniemy tam pogrzebani na wieki!
– nowa zona grupowa (łatwa): Crystal Caverns: Collapse
Całkiem nieźle jak na zwykłe małe GU… 4 instancje grupowe i 4 nowe instancje rajdowe (nie liczę hard mode)!
To jeszcze nie wszytko…
Mieszkańcy Qeynos informują, że w mieście pojawiło się mnóstwo Ratong… Może mieszkańcy Freeport znają jakieś plotki z tym związane? Odpowiedzi znajdziemy w jednym z tych miast…
Nowy quest heritage pojawi się w naszym journalu o ile porozmawiamy z Grand Historian Elrid Wintershade w bibliotece w dokach Thurgadin.
Otworzył się również kolejny rozdział historii (sygnatury) o Fallen Swords. Gracze, którzy ukończyli quest: Fallen Swords: Here, There Be Giants powinni ponownie porozmawiać z Duality w Thurgadin…
Ale to nadal nie wszystko…
Nadchodzą wspaniałe czasy dla Berserków, ale również i inne klasy doczekały się delikatnych zmian (na lepsze, lub gorsze):
* Excessive Bleeding now reduces health o 2% per bleeding ability regardless of the target’s strength.
* Lost Adrenaline no longer prevents Berserk and no longer cause interrupts.
* Adrenal Flow can now be modified by potency.
* Rampaging Blow now has a higher chance to hit, cannot be parried, dodged, blocked or riposted.
* Bloodlust now also increases agility.
* Destructive Rage now grants Multi-Attack Chance instead of DPS. The value has been slightly reduced.
* Open Wounds now also triggers additional damage to targets within 5 meters of the berserker every few seconds.
* Tag Team should be more reliable with the hate swap.
* Mantis Star no longer reduces stamina and now reduces max health by 0.3% at rank one to 3.3% at rank 10.
* Will to Survive now reduces health by 3% regardless of the target’s strength.
* Debilitating Strikes no longer reduces stamina and now reduces max health by 0.5% at rank 1 and 2.5% at rank 5.
* Ally Revivication now affects Immaculate Revival.
* Enhance: Medusa Gaze now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Medusa Gaze per rank.
* Enhance: Ego Shock now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Ego Shock per rank.
* Enhance: Shockwave now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Shock Wave per rank.
* Soulclaim now persists through death.
* Enhance: Heal Servant now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Heal Servant per rank.
* Enhance: Crystal Blast now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Crystal Blast per rank.
* Enhance: Ice Storm now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Ice Storm per rank.
* Enhance: Earthquake now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Earthquake per rank.
* Enhance: Shattered Earth now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Shattered Earth per rank.
* Enhance: Petrify now also grants 3% Crit Bonus to Petrify per rank.
* Curseweaving now increases durations by 10%.
* Enhance: Emergency Warding now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Eidolic Ward and Purulence per rank.
* Enhance: Ancestral Avenger now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Ancestral Avenger per rank.
* Enhance: Defile now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Defiler per rank.
* Enhance: Terror Chant now grants a hate position reduction at rank 5.
* Abomination no longer reduces stamina and now reduces max health by 0.5% at Apprentice and 1% at Master. With Spirituality, the maximum health reduction is 1.2%.
* Cacophony of Blades no longer interrupts.
* Enchanted Vigor no longer has a persistent power cost for the Enchanter.
* Blink now teleports the caster once again.
* Maddening Swarm now casts faster.
* Enhance: Death Swarm now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Death Swarm per rank.
* Enhance: Tempest now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Tempest per rank.
* Enhance: Starnova now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Starnova per rank.
* Enhance: Call of Storms now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Call of Storms per rank.
* Enhance: Feral Tenacity now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Feral Tenacity per rank.
* Enhance: Brambles now grants a hate position reduction at rank 5.
* Spellscrolls named Shout IIians Call is now correctly Call to Arms.
* Focus: Destructive Rampage now increases the damage amount granted to 12.5%, rather than improving duration.
* Enhance: Prismatic Chaos now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Prismatic Shock per rank.
* Enhance: Ultraviolet Beam now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Ultraviolet Beam per rank.
* Enhance: Emergency Reactives now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Radiance and Evidence of Faith per rank.
* Enhance: Redemption now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Redemption per rank.
* Enhance: Disorientation now grants a hate position reduction at rank 5.
* Deteriorate reduces Agility instead of Stamina.
* Deterioration now modifies the Agility and Strength reductions of Deteriorate.
* Echoes of the Ancients no longer reduces stamina and now reduces max health of the target encounter by 1.3% at Apprentice and 2.4% at Master. With Spirituality and Ancient Demise, Echoes of the Ancients reduces max health by 3.7%.
* Ancient Demise now modifies the maximum health reduction of Echoes of the Ancients.
* Lifeburn no longer has an immunity timer.
* Enhance: Pandemic now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Pandemic per rank.
* Mortality Mark no longer reduces stamina and now reduces max health by 0.9% at Apprentice and 1.6% at Master.
* Enhance: Mortality Mark now modifies the health reduction instead of the stamina reduction. At rank 5 and Master, Mortality Mark reduces the target’s max health by 2.2%.
* Casting Expertise now also grants Spell Multi-Attack.
* Change of Engagement now reduces health by 4% regardless of the target’s strength.
* Blasphemy now interrupts the target encounter.
* Enhance: Siphon Strength will no longer reduce stamina and now reduces max health by 0.3% at rank 1 and 1.3% at rank 5.
* Spiritfire now persists through death.
* Spirituality now improves the effects of max health impairments by 3% per rank.
* Mystical Overflow now persists through death.
* Pets have new spell visuals.
* Swashbuckler „Reach” should once again increase melee range.
* Enhance: Divine Smite now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Divine Smite per rank.
* Enhance: Divine Strike now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Divine Strike per rank.
* Enhance: Warring Deities now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Warring Deities per rank.
* Enhance: Blaze of Faith now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Blaze of Faith per rank.
* Enhance: Smite Corruption now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Smite Corruption per rank.
* Enhance: Harmony now grants a hate position reduction at rank 5.
* Willow Wisp now interrupts targets surrounding the Warden.
* Enhance: Death Interventions now also grants 2.5% Crit Bonus to Nature’s Renewal and Tunare’s Watch per rank.
* Enhance: Willow Wisp now grants a hate position reduction at rank 5.
* Focused Casting now grants Spell Double Attack instead of Casting and Recovery Speeds. The reuse has been increased to 5 minutes.
* Enhance: Acid now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Acid per rank.
* Enhance: Encase now also grants 3% Crit Bonus to Encase per rank.
* Enhance: Distortion now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Distortion per rank.
* Enhance: Dark Pyre now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Dark Pyre per rank.
* Death’s Door now displays as detrimental.
* Time Warp no longer affects Acceleration Strike.
* Executioner’s Fury should activate more reliably when the warrior is below 50% health.
* Manaburn no longer has an immunity timer.
* Mana burn will now give an error message and not cast when attempting to cast it on an NPC who is immune to mana burn.
* Enhance: Ball of Fire now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Ball of Fire per rank.
* Enhance: Solar Flar now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Solar Flare per rank.
* Enhance: Magma Chamber now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Magma Chamber per rank.
* Enhance: Immolation now also grants 2% Crit Bonus to Immolation per rank.
* Enhance: Ice Comet now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Ice Comet per rank.
* Enhance: Glacial Wind now also grants 1% Crit Bonus to Glacial Wind per rank.
* Enhance: Cease now also grants 5% Crit Bonus to Cease per rank.
Ale to ciągle nie wszystko…
Mnóstwo zmian w PvP oraz w crafcie, które przybliżę w kolejnych postach 🙂